Knox City Council Local Government Climate Emergency Toolkit (LGCET) Self-Assessment

In September 2022, at the presentation of the Climate Response Plan 2021-2031 (CRP) Annual Report, Knox City councillors asked officers to conduct a self-assessment of Council’s Climate Response Plan 2021-2031 (CRP) against the 46 actions in the Local Government Climate Emergency Toolkit (LGCET) and the Community Action in the Climate Emergency (CACE) Checklist. The self-assessment providing officers with the opportunity to identify additional actions to improve their already existing response to the climate emergency.

The report was presented to councillors at the January 2023 meeting and recommended the adoption of an additional five LGCET based actions into their Climate Response Plan. These relate to Traditional Owner knowledge, Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communication, Transport bulk buy, Divestment policy and Operational catering.

Following debate councillors voted to remove both the Divestment policy and Operational catering actions but will progress with the addition of the other three to the existing plan.

This report and the addition of three actions demonstrates the opportunity that all councillors and Councils with existing Climate Emergency Response and Action Plans can take to continually improve and better act on the emergency within their community. You can view the debate and discussion on the Knox City Council website here.


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